mouldy ice box, thx 2let2 xoxox

m8 am living in a shithole, was put in a shit situation in the first year and had to just choose people to live with this year. I’ve essentially moved in with strangers who refused to come back to Cardiff after April last year, so I don’t know anything about them. I got shafted with the smallest box room as I was the last tenant to move in, and we had no agreed way to designate rooms (my mistake).

I live a lot further away than them to Cardiff and so can’t afford to be going home a lot, and I work in Cardiff as well as study. I’m often in the house alone, the house is small, and being given the smallest room is bad for my mental health. The room I was given is covered in mould and I continually have to spray mould remover and have my window open (which only makes my room freezing). My curtains are covered in mould as well. I have had 4 chest infections since moving in, once it developed into bronchitis. I understand that mould is a tenant problem to solve, but I have contacted 2let2 multiple times to replace my curtains and put a dehumidifier into the room. They argued there was no use in a dehumidifier and the curtains weren’t that bad… the curtains are meant to be a white fabric on the inside, but are a murky grey colour, with patches of black from the mould.

For my mental and physical health, I’m now having to move out and find another house. 2let2 in my opinion are bad, I would never go with them again

Rent: £365
Deposit Returned?: Still living at the hole in question

Seraph: Cold-blooded criminals who will relish in your misery for the prospect of a few pence.

There were several risks to life in the Seraph property I resided in.

  1. The winding stairs.
  2. The electric cooker
  3. Bell wire across the top of the primary stairs entering the building.
  4. The primary stairs itself.
  5. The hole in the 1st-floor landing top of the primary stair.
  6. Rotten windows.
  7. Carbon monoxide ingress.

One person broke their neck on a dangerous stair. Another fell sustaining an injury to his leg, whilst I myself sustained 2-years monoxide positioning, which damaged my blood for life and made me dependent on tablets.

They refused to resolve issues, were, rude, biased towards the criminal landlord, endangered lives & are very clever in getting away with it. Their own maintenance manager in the last inspection stated “I should blow the place up”.

Environmental health did attend, however, their own employee failed to make reports and was dismissed.

Rent: £400

Deposit Returned?: Yes

Key Letting Us Down

I signed with Keylet. Moved in, arranged inventory inspection. Booked the morning off work, waited half hour after booked time for the inspection. Called them – nothing in the diary, the person that does it is off sick. I completed one independently and took images (luckily), sent this to them via email and dropped it off to the office.

I reported 18 repairs using their app. Only two of these were actually dealt with (damp – painted over and bathroom door). Things I reported included: mould, damp, oven broken, leak under the sink, mice, rubbish and unclean when I moved in to the property, bathroom door did not close.
– There was someone’s lunch and other rubbish as well as it being unclean throughout the flat when I moved in. Said they would get someone to come and clean it but never did.

Asked them 3 times to send me updated version of the inventory I conducted, never received it.

Moving out: the costs for what they had found on the inspection conveniently totalled up to the total deposit I paid £575. Including charges for a broken sofa (was not damaged), removal of rubbish (nothing left in there apart from furniture they provided & as if they remove rubbish anyway considering the state it was in when I moved in), painting (nothing wrong with the painting whatsoever) and so on. It was all ridiculous and completely false. Conveniently they also could not find the inventory I did and had one on their file which was incorrect.

Luckily I took photos and had the email I sent. They ended up only taking £100. Still not great but I decided to take the hit. It took about 5/6 months to resolve. They stated in emails they would respond within 10 working days but would take weeks.

I have spoke to other people who have rented from them who have faced the same problems and them trying to rip them off.

I am so relieved to not have anything to do with Keylet. They are SHOCKING and I would AVOID them at all costs!!!

Rent: £575

Deposit Returned?: Partially

Signing up with 👑 Kingstons? You’ll be their peasant

Genuinely the worst company I have ever had to deal with. When it came to move-in day, I was unable to get into my room as no-body in the office had a key for my locked bedroom. I had to wait 3 hours with my Dad in the car outside until the landlord could arrange for a handyman to come and change the lock on the door and let me in. My Dad then had to dive back to my hometown 3 hours delayed- no apology from the office about the wait or the fact they had lost the key to the bedroom.

When the door was finally opened it was clear they had not made any of the changes they had agreed to in the contract signing. It had been agreed that the single bed in my room would be upgraded to a 3/4 bed and a desk and chair would be provided for my housemate. They had been warned several times of when we would be moving in. Throughout the year we had several issues that were either not solved or took months for them to get round to. This included my housemates’ desk collapsing in her hands and an incredibly moldy fridge which was not hygienic enough to keep food it when we arrived. My bedroom was very small and had no insulation so got very moldy after a few months of living there, it also gave me a bad chest from sleeping in the room overnight. After complaining to Kingstons someone from the landlords’ office came to clean it which was great until she happily told me that if the mold returned she would be charging me and that I needed to keep my window open. It was February and I could see my breath in my room as it was.

When moving out of the house in June we cleaned it thoroughly but had to fight for 2 months to get our deposit back as they would not accept the fact that we had closed our water account when returning home during the pandemic. When finally receiving the list of ‘damages’ we were shocked to be charged a whopping £158 each (there are 4 of us) including £100 for cleaning, £28 for each de-weeding the garden and £46 each for an inch stain on the worktop. When we queried the damages we felt completely unjust, including the stain, some of the charges were dropped but we were told that the landlord was going to have to replace the whole unit. I do not doubt in my mind this will not be replaced. We have ended the year losing £120 of our £350 deposit each for a house we really looked after. A disappointing and difficult company to deal with needless to say we did not sign with them for the third year.

Rent: £305

Deposit Returned: Partially